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Is “fit” a legitimate consideration for leader assignment?

“Leader Fit,” as an important consideration for organizational effectiveness has long been researched and investigated. Though there are varying viewpoints surrounding this topic, I will offer one that places “fit” into perspective. This is essential in setting leaders up for success and placing those they serve in the BEST position…to be served!

One of the most popular responses in opposition to the argument of fit is the idea that, “a leader” should be able to lead in any environment and in any situation. While it is true that all leaders should be agile, communicative, empathetic, passionate, innovative, and the list goes on; the practical manifestation of these attributes can look different based on context. It is in the context, that “fit” should be consideration.

In looking at this, I propose the following for your consideration:

  • Leaders are people too.
  • Do all people have the same skill set or talent?
  • Does diversity in personality, attribute, and skill, not define us as people? Otherwise, we would be robots…right?

The diverse and dynamic nature of organizations insist that we consider fit relative to the needs of the organization. When we do not consider their skill set relative to the job that needs to be done, we drain our pool of leaders. Leadership is a difficult job if done right and in some instances, people/leader just needs an environment where they can contribute successfully. In service organizations, such as education, this becomes even more critical, as “the wrong person in the wrong place” is an “inequity” accelerant!